Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's all really happening.

We did it! We finally booked a flight to China!

We will be leaving on Saturday (yeah, that's less than 48 hours) August 9 at 11:04 am from LAX. We arrive in Shanghai the following day at 5:25 pm. I can't believe it's finally here.

We have visas, a place to stay (with some very generous family friends), and we're almost all packed. Any guesses as to how much our four bags (2 each) will weigh? I don't even want to know. But I'll take note of it to amuse Ryan's dad.

Hopefully we'll be blogging our first impressions after we arrive and get some sleep. Maybe Monday morning US time.

Wish us luck.

Here we go...


Melanie Bess said...

Hi Alexa and Ryan! Just wanted to say that I am very excited to be included in your blogging adventures, and look forward to following along as you journey into this very exciting chapter in your lives! I am sending you prayers for safe travels! Enjoy every moment...trying and triumphant! Melanie

Ariel said...

Hurray! Congratulations on booking the move. Enjoy every moment of the trip over - even it is sure to be memorable.

Can you believe we're going to be so close in time zones, despite the fact that we both moved so far away from home?

Definitely visit India if you have a chance - and once you are settled, expect a visitor...

pat z said...

Hi sweetie - Thanks for updating your blog. Things seem to be coming together. Ryan - Sypke me about your interview yesterday. We had a wonderful day at the cottage - a long boat ride to Suttons Bay for breakfast, a long bike ride, a gorgeous sunset, and ice cream after dinner at Bordon's. Does it get any better than that? Except if you were here. I hope you continue to share first impressions and images. Love, Mom