Friday, August 1, 2008

We should be there.

It's really weird to think that Ryan and I should be in Shanghai right now. I guess I've known for a couple of weeks that we wouldn't be making our July 31st departure date. But now that the day has passed, it's sort of weird to still be in San Diego. I'm a little sad.

We drove the 2 1/2 hours up to Los Angeles this morning to apply for my visa. When we got there, we sat in a waiting room surrounded by Chinese people. We were only two of a handful of westerners in the room. Ryan leaned over to me and said, "This is our first taste. We're really doing this." It was really cool to hear everyone speaking Chinese. There's something oddly comforting about being in a room full of people you can't understand. You would think it would be strange, but it's familiar. I felt excitement and peace at the same time.

We were only there for about 10 minutes. The woman at the window told me that they "don't do mailings" so we have to return to the consulate next Wednesday to retrieve my passport, stamped with a work visa. So, we drove home.

It was our first, albeit brief, encounter with the PRC government. I was impressed. They were super efficient, organized and very no-nonsense. It wasn't so bad. Maybe this is a sign that I'm going to like the way things run in China. I mean, there's something extremely charming about "southern France time," especially if you're in the right mood, but I have to admit, going to Switzerland or Germany was a welcomed break from the usual coffee/smoke-breaks-are-more-important-than-your-schedule routine. I remember when Ryan and I witnessed a perfectly timed train conductors' strike in Berlin. After one hour to prove their point, the trains resumed their schedules to the minute. China's going to be like that - on crack.

I'm not excited about having to drive up to LA again to get my visa and then a third time to go to the airport when we actually depart for Shanghai, but it's just what we have to do. Soon, our adventure will begin.

But then again, perhaps it already has...


Rachel said...

Hi Guys-

Bad news for both of you huh? First there is no job waiting for Ryan and now the visa issue. Seems as though it's a good thing though-this gives Ryan extra time to look for a job before you leave, right? Everything happens for a reason, regardless.

Enjoy the beach; rough, rough life. I'm in school all summer so you don't know my jealousy.

Good luck! It sucks you hit some delays but you'll be off and going before you know!


geraldine said...

i've been watching the travel channel's "china week" and thinking of you two and your impending life abroad. i'm sad to hear that your departure has been delayed, but your adventure will begin soon enough! courage ;)
